Silly Rules
We’ve joined forces with the Bevan Commission in partnership with the Institute of Health Improvement (IHI) and we want to hear from you.
Based on ‘’Breaking the Rules for Better Care,’’ developed by the Institute for Health Improvement (IHI) Leadership Alliance in 2016, we’re listening to you and to staff in health and social care about the rules that get in the way of better care and support.
If you’ve ever felt frustrated by rules, processes and systems at work or in getting access to the care you need, “Silly Rules” is for you. If you could change or break any rule to make health and social care services better, what would it be?
Together, we can reduce waste and unnecessary barriers to help shape a better health and social care system for all.
Do you want to be part of “Silly Rules’’? Learn more here.
Information for the public

Information for social care staff

Information for Health Care staff