Priority 07: Be a well-run, trusted and ambitious organisation
Well-being and Future generations ways of working that will be reflected in this work are:
Collaboration // Integration // Involvement
To make this happen we will:
Support our teams to work well together and in a way that meets our legal and other public sector responsibilities by:
- developing our people’s knowledge, skills and understanding in good governance, managing public money and records management.
- reviewing our governance arrangements against the highest standard and working on a plan to do things better where we need to.
- looking at how we are carrying out our tasks and making changes to make it better for everyone where we need to
We will agree what values we believe in and use this to work on our:
- organisational culture
- behaviours framework,
- skills and capability framework,
- revised performance assessment approach & - our national learning and development plan.
Co-produce our Strategic Vision for the next 3 to 5 years. This will set out ambitious aims to help make health and social care work best for you across Wales, help get you involved in ways that work for you, and make sure more of you, with more diverse experiences, have your say.
Develop more ways for our people to play an active role in the future of the organisation. We’ll provide better opportunities for development and learning, more chances to suggest and be a part of new ways of working, and bring people together with similar interests to share ideas and experiences across Wales.
What could success look like?
Our people feel they have been involved in setting our direction, they know, understand and feel a part of our journey and what is expected of them to achieve our aims.
The way we organise ourselves, take decisions and review how we are doing gives us the best chance of making a positive difference for everyone living in Wales, in a way that helps us meet our duties and responsibilities.
The way we carry out our activities works for everyone.