Priority 05: Build a strong voice in social care in Wales
Well-being and Future generations ways of working that will be reflected in this work are:
Collaboration // Integration // Involvement
To make this happen we will:
Improve our knowledge and understanding about social care in Wales.
Build good relationships in social care: with service providers, service users, charities and other people and organisations who support people in social care such as carers and families.
Create a series of engagement events designed to hear what matters most to you about your social services.
Promote our services, particularly our complaints advocacy service, with Local Authorities and service providers and support them to fulfil their duty to promote our services.
What could success look like?
Our people are more confident working with social care providers because they have a good knowledge and understanding of how things work.
More people know about us in social care and promote our service to those who need us.
>> Priority 06: Develop our people, attract new people and support their
involvement in our work