Priority 01: Listen and represent your views and experiences to decision makers to make a difference
Well-being and Future generations ways of working that will be reflected in this work are:
Collaboration // Involvement
To make this happen we will:
Continue to represent your voices through our involvement with local, regional and national meetings, boards, committees and projects.
Listen to your views on an ongoing and open basis at a local, regional and national basis by delivering a rolling programme of open engagement to find out what matters most about your health and social care.
Respond on your behalf to new and emerging issues that we hear about.
Create a new team so that we can:
- learn from what we are hearing locally, regionally, and nationally
- get better at understanding and using information from others to help us plan and carry out our work
- create ways to collect and use new sources of data
- make a powerful case for change so that the people making decisions about health and social care services listen and act on the things that
- let people know what we’ve been doing and the difference its made in lots of different ways
What could success look like?
Our people and the people we work with feel that their priorities are reflected in our work plans and they have had a say in shaping local, regional and national priorities.
Better ways of gathering what you think about your health and social care services will help build our confidence working with others to help make the biggest difference in the way your services are provided.