A National Conversation: Llais Strategic Plan 2024-2027
This is our first national strategic plan. It has been created using what we have been told by you (the people of Wales), by our people (our staff and our volunteers), and the other bodies and groups we work with.
When we created the plan we also thought about our legal duties and responsibilities such as the Quality and Engagement Act 2020, Equality Act 2010, The Well-being of Future Generations Act 2015, The Welsh Language Standards 2016, The Socio-Economic Duty, the Public Sector Duty, and national plans and commitments such as the LGBTQ+ and the Anti-racist Wales Action Plan, as well as our Remit Letter.
The plan aims to be more than a guide for the next three years; we’re promising the people of Wales that we’ll challenge those in charge of the health and social care system to invest in change, to create a strong, fair, and innovative health and social care system.