Llais Board Meeting Papers 26.07.2023
Being inclusive, trustworthy, and transparent is important to us.
As a new organisation we want to try and do things a bit differently, and in a way that makes the best use of our resources. So, we want to work with you to figure out the best way to involve you in our activities in a way that is inclusive. This includes our Board meetings.
We know that sharing information through formal Board papers isn’t the most inclusive way of sharing information about the things our Board is doing and the decisions we are making. So, while we heard from you about the best ways of doing this, and as we are still settling in our new organisation, we asked that if you wanted the Board papers, you could contact us, and we would send them to you.
We have heard that it is important to you that we make our Board papers more easily available on our website, instead of on request. We have now done this.
In future, our Chair’s update and our Chief Executive’s updates will also be in writing. We will let you know what we talked about and decided at our Board meetings as soon as possible after each meeting.
As we are a new organisation, and as we work with you to think about how best to do things, we might get things wrong. We’re sorry that our decision not to publish our Board papers caused concern. We will continue to listen to what you tell us and act as a result.
We want to hear your ideas and suggestions about the most accessible ways to share what the Board does in future. We want to hear what you think are the best ways of holding our Board meetings, including how we can use digital, IT and video to help people find out about and get involved, even if you cannot attend in person.
Normally we would make our papers available on the website in Welsh and English at the same time but some of the papers are still being translated as we didn’t originally plan to put them on the website. As soon as the Welsh versions are available, we will put them on the website.