Nevill Hall Hospital update - Gwent

At Llais Gwent, local people have raised their worries about the future of Nevill Hall Hospital.
From our work understanding the situation with the Health Board, we can clarify that:
- The Health Board is not changing patient pathways.
- There is no current critical care at Nevill Hall.
- The more complex respiratory patients will continue to be treated at the Grange University Hospital.
- Aneurin Bevan University Health Board want to improve bed labelling – Nevill Hall has respiratory beds, most of which are for the care of older patients. There will be increased consultants ‘in reach’ at the Minor Injuries Unit to reduce the number of people with more mild conditions having to go to the Grange. The change in staffing will mean earlier diagnosis with the Health Board moving staff around to facilitate this.
- The aim of this plan is to return to pre Covid bed numbers.
- Llanellen Ward 4/4 at Nevill hall is not closing.
We understand the challenges and pressures on the Health Board while having to make best us of resources to ensure that patient and staff well-being needs are met.
The Health Board has engaged with the local community at each stage. To have your say on your health and social care services, share your story here.