Llais Complaints Advocacy Guide
This guide will tell you what to expect if you decide to work with the Llais advocacy service to raise a concern about health and social care services.
We have complaints advocates who can use communications toolkits and have access to interpreters. We can provide information in different languages, large print, easy read and audio format.
Please let us know what you need, and we will do our best to help.
Your right to complaints advocacy
By law, people who wish to complain about health and social care
services are entitled to free, independent and confidential advocacy
services to help them make their complaint.
Llais is independent of the NHS, local authorities and the Welsh
Llais is supported by volunteers who are local people.
About our complaints advocacy staff and our service
All our complaints advocacy staff are trained. Our complaints advocates have the National Advocacy Qualification.
We deliver our complaints advocacy service in line with national
standards set by the Llais Board.
What our complaints advocacy service can and can’t do
Our complaints advocacy service can:
- support you to make a complaint about a service, care or
treatment provided or paid for by health or social care services - support you to make a complaint on someone else’s behalf,
including if someone has died - listen to your concerns
- signpost you to other organisations if we think that someone else
can also help - answer questions about health and/or social care services’
concerns process and explain your options - provide a step-by-step guide to the complaints procedures and
offer some tips - help you to raise a concern about the NHS yourself if you are
under 18 years old - provide you with a trained complaints advocate, an experienced
worker who can help you raise your concern and support you
through the process.
Our complaints advocacy service can’t:
- make decisions on your behalf
- offer an opinion on the validity of a concern
- offer clinical opinions or give medical advice
- offer advice about on-going care and treatment
- investigate concerns
- provide support with Continuing Healthcare or Individuals
Patient Funding Request Panels - provide support at inquests
- offer additional support such as bereavement and
counselling. Contact details for such professionals can be
provided if required - help you to raise a concern about social care, yourself if you
are under 18 years old - usually work on concerns that are over 12 months old unless
you have only just found out that you have cause for complaint,
or have some other good reason for not raising your concerns
sooner - give legal advice or help with legal action
- help with issues not covered by complaints regulations. This
includes things like privately funded treatment - get NHS or social care staff disciplined
- help you if you don’t live in Wales.
Even if we are not able to help with an issue, we may be able to
signpost you to someone else who can help. Please do ask us.
When can our Complaints Advocacy Service help?
The health and social care complaints procedures are designed to
help people to get their concerns heard and where possible, resolved.
They encourage people to talk to their healthcare provider who may be
able to get something put right there and then. If you’re not sure, you
can contact us and we will help you find the right person to talk to.
Our complaints advocacy service can help you at any stage in the
health and social care complaints procedure. The key stages are:
Raise your concern with the service provider
If you cannot resolve your concern informally, or you would prefer to
raise your concern formally our complaints advocacy service can help
Usually, you need to raise your concern within 12 months of the
events that you want to complain about. However, there may be
occasions where the body will consider your concern outside of these
Making a complaint to the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales
If you are dissatisfied with the final response provided by the health and
social care provider, you can take your complaint to the Public Services
Ombudsman for Wales (PSOW).
The Ombudsman is able to consider complaints made to him within one
year of the matters complained about (or within one year of the
complainant becoming aware of the issue). If your complaint is about
something that happened more than a year ago, but you complained to
the Health Board (or Trust) within one year, you should complain to the
Ombudsman within twelve weeks of the response.
What sort of support can we offer?
Depending on your needs we can support you with any or all of
the following:
- find information relevant to your concern
You may feel that you need a bit of help to find information, for example
asking for a copy of any relevant records.
- think through your concerns, the concerns process and what
you might realistically achieve
Concerns are sometimes about things that are very distressing and
the process of raising a concern can seem very daunting. Sometimes
people find it helps to talk through their concerns and how the process
works with someone who is knowledgeable, empathetic and
- write letters
A concern is more likely to be resolved quickly and successfully if it is
expressed clearly. We can help you work out what you want to say and
help you draft letters.
- attend concerns meetings. Sometimes it is necessary to meet
with staff as part of the concerns process. This can feel daunting
and sometimes upsetting. We can support you to prepare for and
attend meetings with staff so that you can make the most of the
opportunity to discuss your concerns.
We will provide the type and level of support that you need, based on
our discussions with you. For example, you may feel that, because of
disability, ill health, communication or language barriers, grief or other
reasons, you need more support from a complaints advocate
throughout the process. Alternatively, once you have talked your
concerns through with an advocate you may feel happy to continue
without support.
We work with anyone who lives in Wales no matter what their
needs, including but not exclusively, people who have:
- mental health issues
- learning difficulties
- sensory disabilities
- little or no English and different cultural backgrounds
- suffered a bereavement.
Or anyone else who needs help with their complaint.
Our complaints advocacy staff have access to:
- Secure case management and reporting systems
- Letter templates
- Interpreting facilities
- Communications kits and other resources
How the process works
When you first contact us, one of our staff will talk to you about your
concern, what sort of help you think you require and if you have any
particular needs such as large print materials or access to someone who
can sign.
If they think we can help you, they will explain our service to you. If we
are unable to help you, we will try to signpost you to someone who can.
If you need a complaints advocate, one will aim to contact you within
seven days and agree an initial plan with you. This plan sets out what
we have agreed we will do on your behalf and how we will keep in touch
with you through the process.
If you would like this publication in an alternative format and/or
language, please contact us. You can download it or
ask for a copy by contacting our office.