Advocacy - Working Together
Complaints and your Objectives
NHS complaints
An NHS complaint aims to trigger an investigation, obtain answers and
explanations, and find out what has gone wrong and how this can be put
right and prevented from happening again.
NHS complaints in Wales are governed by the NHS Concerns,
Complaints and Redress Arrangements (Wales) Regulations 2011. If a
complaint involves a Health Board or NHS Trust in Wales and
failure/negligence has occurred, which has caused harm, then the NHS
organisation may need to put it right through a system of ‘Redress’. This
can involve more treatment, apologising, referring a patient elsewhere or
making modest compensation payments. Redress is not relevant for all
Social Care or regulated provider complaints
A social care complaint usually aims to resolve service issues quickly,
and in most cases informally, through a stage 1 local resolution review. If
concerns about social care are more complex, then a formal
investigation in the stage 2 will be undertaken by an independent
Social Care complaints are governed by the Social Services Complaints
Procedure (Wales) Regulations 2014 and follow the complaints
guidance called “A guide to handling complaints and representations by
local authority social services”.
A complaint should be made as soon as possible and/or within a year of
an incident.
The NHS Regulations regarding complaints suggest that complaints
should be answered in 30 working days, but this is a guideline only.
Social Care concerns in stage 1 local resolution reviews should be
answered in 15 working days of the body’s acknowledgement of the
Social Care concerns in stage 2 formal investigations should be
answered in 25 days from the date that the local authority and the
person making the compliant agree on the points of concern to be
Some complaint investigations are complex and will take longer to
investigate and respond to.
NHS and Social care bodies are expected to “investigate once and
investigate well” although this can mean additional time waiting for a
Your responsibilities
- The complaint is yours and although our role is to help you with the
complaints process, you remain the decision maker. - If there are any developments, please let us know. Although the
advocacy team regularly monitors all complaints, if you or the
relevant NHS/Social Care organisation do not inform us of
developments, our records may not be up to date. - Keep us up to date with your address, telephone numbers and
email contact details if they change. You can do this by dropping
us any email, letter, or phone call. - During the complaints process, if your health/care situation or that
of the patient/service user changes, please let us know as we are
not automatically informed of such changes. - If we contact you by letter/telephone/email but repeatedly receive
no response from you and if there is a long-term absence of
communication, we reserve the right to close the case file.
Working with you and some things that we cannot do
- We aim to treat you as we would like to be treated ourselves,
courteously and with respect. - We will listen to your concerns and offer independent advice on the
options open to you in the NHS and Social Care Complaints
Procedure. We cannot offer validation of your concerns but will do
our best to help you have your concerns heard by the right people. - Llais advocacy staff deal with up to 200 complaints/enquiries at
any time, and specific staff may not be immediately available. Advocacy Support Officers are the first point of contact for most
queries, as they can access your case files, provide updates, and
arrange for a telephone appointment for you to speak to your
Advocate if required. We may ask you to contact us on certain
days or times to ensure our availability. - Unfortunately, we cannot offer walk-in appointments, all meetings
should be arranged in good time to allow the team to allocate a
meaningful opportunity to discuss your concerns in a suitable
environment (private meeting room) and with sufficient time set for
the meeting. Initial meetings are expected to last between 1 and 1
and half hours. - We are unable to accept requests for home visits, unless you are
house bound, or you care for someone who is house bound, and
you do not have alternative care arrangements. Home visits are
rare and require two members of staff to attend. All other meetings
with the Advocacy team will take place at our office, which is fully
accessible for access needs and privacy. - Whilst we can appreciate that people may be angry, upset or
frustrated by their concerns or ill health, Llais has a zero-tolerance
policy towards abusive, aggressive, or unreasonable behaviour.
This can include excessively persistent or demanding levels of
contact with the team and passive aggressive behaviour that
causes the team distress or concern. If requests are
unreasonable, excessively persistent or if behaviour is
unacceptable, we reserve the right to withdraw advocacy support,
without warning in some instances. - If behaviour causes us concern but does not immediately warrant
the withdrawal of our service, we may ask that communication be
undertaken in specific ways e.g., on set days, only via email, post
or over the telephone. This request will require your agreement
before we can continue and any refusal of or deviation from the
agreement may result in the withdrawal of our service. - Our confidentiality is not absolute. If you disclose information,
even in jest, which suggests that there may be a risk of harm to
yourself/others or intent to break the law, we must refer this
information to the appropriate authorities. - We do not provide a 24-hour or emergency service.
- We cannot attend meetings in your place, as your representative.
- Advocacy staff can only deal with NHS and Social Care matters
involving health care, treatment or social care that you have
received (unless you are complaining on behalf of a friend or
relative with their written authorisation). Anything else is outside of
this remit and cannot be addressed through the NHS or Social
Care complaints processes. - We do not provide any kind of health care or medical advice and
we do not attend clinic appointments, assessments, multi-disciplinary meetings, or treatment/care reviews. - We cannot expedite your treatment or care.
- We do not directly investigate complaints, as we have no clinical,
investigatory, or legal expertise and cannot influence the
investigation process or the length of time the investigation may
take. - We cannot give you legal advice. We cannot assist you with
complaint matters that are already being dealt with by legal
experts. - We do not provide counselling.
- We are unable to access, obtain or interpret medical records or
care plans on your behalf, but we can direct you to the most
appropriate team and application route to request a copy of
medical records or care plans. Information you have discovered
from medical records or care plans, which you feel support your
concerns can be shared with us to help us draft complaint letters.