Our 100 day plan
In publishing our 100 day plan we want to highlight our commitment and drive to take early actions that will help make a real difference to people and communities in all parts of Wales. We will champion their rights and expectations to be able to access the health and social care services they need in the way they need it.
From 1 April 2023 the people of Wales will have a new independent body. LLAIS has been set up by the Welsh Government to raise the power and influence of the voices of people living in Wales in shaping their health and social care services.

As Chair of Llais, I am proud to publish on behalf of my fellow Board Members our Statement of Intent, outlining our focus during the first 100 days of engagement. Our statement sets out a clear and ambitious direction of travel for this new national body.
We believe in a healthier Wales where people receive health and social care services in a way that works best for them.
As an independent body, we want to be an inclusive, independent, and leading voice for people centred health and social care services. We want our activities to have a lasting impact in Wales.
We will do this by working in partnership to create more joined up health and social care services that meet people’s diverse needs and improves the health and wellbeing of people living in all parts of Wales.
We will learn from and build on the work of the 7 ‘Community Health Councils’ which represented the views of NHS patients in Wales for almost 50 years. We will work with communities and those involved in the design and delivery of health and social care services locally, regionally, and nationally.
Our nation’s health and social care system is going through significant change. We will champion the rights and expectations of people living in our diverse communities across Wales to make sure their voices are at the centre of these changes.
Establishing a solid Foundation

During our first 100 days of engagement, we want to work with people in Wales to build a strong foundation where mutual respect, inclusivity and independence drives all that we do.
To achieve this, we will work with people, communities, and our partners in all parts of Wales to help us to decide how we should work together and with others to provide a stronger voice for people in our health and social care services.
We will:
- launch a national public consultation on our proposed vision, mission, and strategic priorities. We will actively seek input from the diverse voices and communities of Wales.
- work with people in our communities to create simple and accessible ways for the people of Wales to connect with us and receive our services.
- set up a strong regional presence in each of the following areas:
Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan
Cwm Taf Morgannwg
Neath Port Talbot & Swansea
North Wales
West Wales
These match the areas covered by the 7 Regional Partnership Boards in Wales, which bring together NHS bodies, local authorities, and the 3rd sector to meet the care and support needs of people in their geographical area.
- publish regional statements on priorities and activities in health and social care identified by the former Community Health Councils.
- work with our people and the public to develop our organisational values and establish a healthy, inclusive, culture. We will develop and publish a diversity, equality and inclusion policy to support equity in Llais and across health and social care in Wales.
- work with the Welsh Government to further develop digital ways of working that support our activities.
- launch a national volunteering campaign to attract a diverse community of people to help shape and support the delivery of our activities.

- launch a marketing campaign to promote and raise awareness of our independent role in driving improvement in health and social care services in the areas that matter most to people living in Wales.
- develop and agree how we will work together and co-operate with Welsh Local Authorities, NHS bodies and other key partners.
- send evidence to the UK Covid-19 inquiry on what Community Health Councils in Wales heard from people living in Wales about their experiences of the Covid-19 pandemic
- appoint to new roles to build the capacity of our organisation to deliver our functions and wider responsibilities
- publish our response to the Welsh Government’s consultation on its draft Code of Practice on Access to Premises
- develop partnership arrangements with other UK bodies involved in representing people’s voices in health and social care
- engage with communities across Wales to hear from people about health and social care services, including proposals for service delivery changes. We will do this through an early, planned programme of activities aimed at working with people, community representatives and groups in all parts of Wales
- share what we hear with the NHS, local authorities, and other decision makers locally, regionally, and nationally, so that people’s views and experiences drive the development and delivery of improvements in health and social care services for everyone.
- support people to raise their concerns about health and social services through our independent complaints advocacy service.

Our First 100 Days
In publishing our 100 day plan we want to highlight our commitment and drive to take early actions that will help make a real difference to people and communities in all parts of Wales. We will champion their rights and expectations to be able to access the health and social care services they need in the way they need it.
The strong voices of the people of Wales must be at the heart of an effective, joined up health and social care system for Wales.